Our Clan
The Peak Gene is a group of genealogical researchers and amateur scientists who are dedicated to reconstructing the history of our L19 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) mutation through traditional genealogy and genetics. We have a very rare Y-chromosome in which all of our members trace their lineages to the Peak District. And, we can show that our paternal ancestral have been in this beautiful land since the late Roman period. Our signature L19 SNP mutation is also referred to as V257 in many academic papers (Trombetta et al. 2011). Based upon the results of our YDNA tests we are all members of the E Haplogroup. Through our communal efforts, we have done significant genealogical work and have produced great results in breaking through brick-walls in individual family’s history research. We have also begun to develop a theory of our group’s migratory pattern over the last 4000 years as we came out of Africa, through southwestern Europe and spread into the rest of Europe and emigrated to America and Canada. This site was created to facilitate cooperation in our genealogical research and to encourage new members to join our efforts as well. As you look through the surnames and discussions within our group, you may see that there is a possible connection between one of our families and yours. If this should happen, and you are willing to join us, please contact us and we can help you get started on discovering your heritage through traditional and Y-DNA genetic genealogy. Ray-Scott Millerco-Admin The Peak Gene admin@peakgene.uk